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Take Me As Your Apprentice?(MapleRust SteamPunk)



Night settled down over the run down town of Maywater, a small town on the edges of the countryside, their houses made of stone and brick- nothing fancy as many if the metal made cities were like, but with plenty of taverns and a large market to stop by- well, a fairly large branch of the Black Market anyway.

Why it was that good fine metal was so hard to come by, was unclear.... But for the other things she was getting, material to make glass and a few alchemical things, those seemed rather easy, surprisingly enough.

The large stallion dressed in dark attire tipped his hat to her in respect, "Shall I have somepony deliver these to your home Madam?" Maple Rust sighed with a shake of her head, pulling a piece of paper from her vest and placing it on the table before the stallion.

"Have it sent here. My associates will pay you extra for the leg work, and take care of everything from there." She murmured, her tone rather bored as the stallion nodded.

"As you wish." He smirked slightly as she moved off, tail swishing behind her at him as she left the shadows and trotted down the dark street full of shadowy figures and back alleys, the sky above already dark, but in this place- it was always covered in shadow.

"I've become a damn errand pony for those idiots..." She mumbled, ears twitching in annoyance. "... Next time they can get their own supplies." She sighed, but smiled slightly anyway- they wouldn't have asked her to go collect everything unless they had no other choice. Not everypony was given deals in the Black Market, only the frequent comers and goers were... And the ones who were feared and respected enough that nopony would dare deny them what they want.

She shook her head and left the black street behind, rounding a corner lined with brick stone buildings and moving into the the more frequented part of the town.

The sound of small hooves behind her made her ears swivel around and body tense, just a little. Had some flea bag followed her from the Black Street? No... The hoof steps were small and light, and they weren't coming from the street, they came from a small alley she had passed.

"Miss Maple Rust?" A voice called hesitantly, soft and quiet. The voice of a young colt, she would venture to guess.  How any colt knew her name by sight, she wasn't sure. Not many ponies spoke to her, and she preferred it that way.

"Back off kid, I'm in no mood." She called back, her tone flinty as she continued to walk away, not bothering to look over her shoulder.

The colts hoof steps behind her didn't cease.

"Miss Maple Rust, please..." The colt called again. ".. I'd like to speak to you-"

"What did I just say?" Maple Rust snapped coldly, coming to a halt, her ears pinned against her head and anger flaring- she had a short temper and she didn't appreciate stupid kids bothering her on any day. The colt stopped moving too, from the sound of his hoof steps stopping. "I'm not a pony you wanna piss off kid, now back off before you find yourself in trouble." Her tone was one of warning, a warning any pony should heed and usually they moved off quickly. This one? The dumb kid stayed put,

"Miss Maple Rust.. I don't mean to bother you... But I've been looking for you a long time." He murmured, she glanced over her shoulder slightly to get a look at him.

He was small and thin, with long legs and a coat of a pale green-grey color. His mane and tail were choppy and of a copper hue, he sported a vest with a long shirt and a tie, goggles rest upon his head, and his back legs were adorned with finely made leather workings. His purple eyes rest on her, shinning in the dim, as a small, nervous smile appeared on his muzzle. The kid was so young he didn't even have a Cutie Mark yet.

"I've heard so many great things about you, the battles you've one, inventions, the adventures... So many adventures and things you've done, things I've never been able to do.... I was hoping, that maybe you would consider... Taking me as an apprentice?" He asked, her ears pinned against her head and her eyes narrowed, she never turned to face him directly. "I'm willing to do whatever it is you want of me, I'll work and go on supply runs, I won't be a burden to you." He went on, sounding hopeful. "It'd be an honor to study under such a great and strong pony, I could learn so much from you." They passed into silence for a few, long moments, his eyes never left her.

"Go home, Kid." Maple Rust muttered, his smile fell a little. "I don't do 'apprentices'. Go back to your parents, and leave me the hell alone."

She walked off, leaving the colt in the dark as he just watched her walk away, his countenance deflating, and smile fading entirely.


OC Shown:

And here we are with some more Maple Rust and SteamPunk Pony things! I think all of the SteamPunk things i create are gonna be short little narratives, its more fun that way! ^^

MLP to Hasbro
OCs and Story and Art to Me
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